WABCO Fault Codes

We’ve compiled a list of the most commonly found WABCO fault codes. Please feel free to share with anyone else you know who frequently services WABCO brakes.

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WABCO Fault Codes

WABCO Fault Codes

Below is an in-depth list of some of the most commonly encountered WABCO Fault Codes. With this information you or your techs can quickly assess the problem and begin working on a solution. Looking for diagnostic software? Click here to purchase Wabco Toolbox Plus

01LF wheel sensorair gap exceeding normal limits, wheel bearing
12LF tone ringmissing or incorrect number of teeth 
13LF wheel sensordc voltage detected, voltage shorted to battery
14LF wheel sensorcircuit shorted to ground
15LF wheel sensorcircuit open
16LF wheel sensorsensor wires shorted together
17LF tone ringmissing or incorrect number of teeth 
18LF slip16 sec slip detected, check air gap and modulators
1`9LF harnessmismatch of harness or sensor pars
110LF wheel sensorloss of wheel sensor signal
111LF abnormal speedcheck tone ring, air gap and sensor wiring
112LF frequency too highincorrect frequency to ecm from sensor
21RF wheel sensorair gap exceeding normal limits, wheel bearing
22RF tone ringmissing or incorrect number of teeth 
23RF wheel sensordc voltage detected, voltage shorted to battery
24RF wheel sensorcircuit shorted to ground
25RF wheel sensorcircuit open
26RF wheel sensorsensor wires shorted together
27RF tone ringmissing or incorrect number of teeth 
28RF slip16 sec slip detected, check air gap and modulators
29RF harnessmismatch of harness or sensor pars
210RF wheel sensorloss of wheel sensor signal
211RF abnormal speedcheck tone ring, air gap and sensor wiring
212RF frequency too highincorrect frequency to ecm from sensor
31LR wheel sensorair gap exceeding normal limits, wheel bearing
32LR tone ringmissing or incorrect number of teeth 
33LR wheel sensordc voltage detected, voltage shorted to battery
34LR wheel sensorcircuit shorted to ground
35LR wheel sensorcircuit open
36LR wheel sensorsensor wires shorted together
37LR tone ringmissing or incorrect number of teeth 
38LR slip16 sec slip detected, check air gap and modulators
39LR harnessmismatch of harness or sensor pars
310LR wheel sensorloss of wheel sensor signal
311LR abnormal speedcheck tone ring, air gap and sensor wiring
312LR frequency too highincorrect frequency to ecm from sensor
41RR wheel sensorair gap exceeding normal limits, wheel bearing
42RR tone ringmissing or incorrect number of teeth 
43RR wheel sensordc voltage detected, voltage shorted to battery
44RR wheel sensorcircuit shorted to ground
45RR wheel sensorcircuit open
46RR wheel sensorsensor wires shorted together
47RR tone ringmissing or incorrect number of teeth 
48RR slip16 sec slip detected, check air gap and modulators
49RR harnessmismatch of harness or sensor pars
410RR wheel sensorloss of wheel sensor signal
411RR abnormal speedcheck tone ring, air gap and sensor wiring
412RR frequency too highincorrect frequency to ecm from sensor
73LF modulator valveinlet and outlet shorted or crcuit shorted to another modulator
75LF modulator valveinlet or outlet circuit is open
76LF modulator valveinlet or outlet circuit is shorted to ground
83RF modulator valveinlet and outlet shorted or crcuit shorted to another modulator
85RF modulator valveinlet or outlet circuit is open
86RF modulator valveinlet or outlet circuit is shorted to ground
93LR modulator valveinlet and outlet shorted or crcuit shorted to another modulator
95LR modulator valveinlet or outlet circuit is open
96LR modulator valveinlet or outlet circuit is shorted to ground
103RR modulator valveinlet and outlet shorted or crcuit shorted to another modulator
105RR modulator valveinlet or outlet circuit is open
106RR modulator valveinlet or outlet circuit is shorted to ground
133DBR retarderoutput is shorted to battery supply
135DBR retarderoutput is open
136DBR retarderoutput is shorted to ground
144ECUlow or loss of supply voltage to ECU
145ECULoss of ground to ECU
147ECUECU internal failure
2312ECUJ1939 data invalid
2315ECUJ1939 circuit open
2316ECUJ1939 circuit open
2317ECUincorrect message from driveline retarder
2318ECUincorrect message from engine retarder
2319ECUincorrect torque message from engine
23110ECUincorrect message from exhaust retarder
23112ECUinternal J1939 failure 
2513ECUsupply voltage to ecm too high
2532ecuparameters are incorrect; internal ecu failure
25312ECUparameters are incorrect; internal ecu failure
2545ECUloss of modulator/sensor harness connections
2548sensorsslipping, check air gap, one axle faster than other
25412ECUinternal ecu failure
25413ECUinternal ecu failure
25414ECUinternal ecu failure

WABCO Fault Codes

WABCO Fault Codes

WABCO Fault Codes

WABCO Fault Codes