Cummins ISC/ISL Wire Diagram CM850
Cummins ISC and ISL factory printed laminated wire diagram for CM850 modules.
Printed by Cummins. Laminated fold-out factory wire diagram for the engine control system for this Cummins engine. Includes specifications, & fault code info.
Whether you are chasing ECM fault codes or ECM related wiring issues this laminated wire diagram is a real lifesaver. Wire diagrams are color coded for ease of use.
For fault codes, it provides fault diagnostics & solutions. For electronic control issues it provides information such as ohms, volts and steps for troubleshooting & repairing.
Since it is laminated, it is easy to keep clean and increases its life.

Cummins ISC/ISL Wire Diagram (CM850)
- ECM pin locations
- Wire diagram (color-coded)
- Connectors
- Each controlled or controlling sensor, etc.
- Cummins responsibility & truck manufacturer responsibility connections
- Electrical specifications & reading parameters (volts-amps-ohm readings)
- Fault codes, fault reasons, fault effects
Laminated surface allows for the use of erasable marker to make notes while performing diagnostics which can be erased when finished.